Our 7L District governor was at tonight's meeting. She presented longevity awards to two of our members. Ed Schick has been with the Lions club for 30 years and Art Ritter has been a member for 35 years. Congratulations to both men.
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Outgoing Benton Lions Club President Rudy Macintosh is joined by Kimble Schneider the President of the newly formed Saline County Professional Women's Lion Club
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The Benton Lions club displays flags for 10 holidays a year. Here is Charlie Best putting the flag up for the Benton Chamber of Commerce.
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Trash pickup is scheduled for Saturday June 15th. We will meet at the First Assembly of God church on hwy 5. Meet there at 8:00 am.
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Outgoing president Rudy Macintosh presente during tonights meeting.
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Sheriff Rodney Wright spoke with the Benton Lions club last night. He spoke about the drug problems and other issues in Saline county.
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Don Barnass awarded one thousand dollar scholarships to two Benton High School graduates on Tuesday night at Benton High School.
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David Bishop joins as the latest member. We would like to welcome David to the Benton Lions Club.
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We had members of our club participate on Serve Day March 30 2019.
From left to right Art Ritter, Ramona Huff and Rudy Macintosh.
Thank you for helping out..
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Dr James Caton, Superintendent for the School of The Blind, accepts a check in the amount of $1,315 dollars from the Benton Lions Club. The Arkansas School for the Blind serves Blind and Visually impaired children in the state of Arkansas from birth to age 21. It’s mission is to
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We had a trash pickup day on Hwy 5 this Saturday.
Pictured from left to right are Bruce Hester, Chuck Shelnutt, Dane Pruitt,Rudy Macintosh, Bob Atkins,Art Ritter, Melvin Heser and Phil Kneib. It was a beautiful day to pick up trash and fellowship with other Lions. Thanks to Nick Hester
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The Benton Lions Club
would like to express our deepest appreciation to all Businesses and individuals and the community for making our pecans sales a great success.
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The 2nd Benton Lions Club meeting this year will be held at Pasta J's in Benton. Rudy has asked that we start the meeting at 6:30pm.
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Meeting will be help at Pasta J's Restaurant located at 1314 Green, Benton, AR 72015.
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We had our annual Christmas party at Western sizzlin on Dec 4th. We had local magician Paul Carlon as our guest and also as our entertainment.
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We would like to welcome our newest members Christy and Jimmy Kellensworth to the Benton Lions Club, Pictured from left to right are Art Ritter, Christy Kellensworth, Jimmy Kellensworth and Benton Lions President Rudy Macintosh.
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Wendy Byrd from Baptist health services spoke with us tonight about the cause and effects of diabetes
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This event has been cancelled!! The Benton Lions club is having a garage sale to benefit the school for the blind in Little Rock. There will be lots of yard tools and hand tools and other garage sale stuff. The dates are November 2nd and 3rd in Benton at 321
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The Benton Lions club meeting on October 23rd. We welcomed Don Draper.
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Monday October 8th we celebrate Columbus day. This is a flag day for the Benton Lions club.
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The Benton Lions club welcomes it's newest officer. Dane Pruitt has been nominated and voted in as the first vice president of of the club for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Congratulations Dane.
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Benton Lions club hosted Susie Everett as our program for September 25th meeting.
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Trash pickup scheduled for November 4th. Meet at First Assembly of God at 8:00 am.
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Trash pickup is scheduled for May 20 at 8:00am. Meet at First Assembly of God on highway 5.
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The trash pickup scheduled for this Saturday has been postponed. We will reschedule it at our next meeting..
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Tonight we had a very good program about a man and a rare genetic disorder called "RP" or Retinitis Pigmentosa. RP is actually a group of rare genetic disorders that involve a breakdown and loss of cells in the retina.
Our special guests were Terrence Boatwright and Earnest Tate. Terrence
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The Benton Lions Club would like to welcome our newest member. Sam Steuart was inducted into
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Shari Day, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity in Saline County was a great speaker at today's meeting. She was very entertaining and informative about the workings of the Habitat for humanity's program in Saline County. They are always looking volunteers and donors.
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We had a great business meeting this week with discussions lead by one of our newest members Mark Vaughn about creative ways to generate interest for getting new members in our club.
Valentine's party will be Tuesday February 9th at Western Sizzlin in the big room.
Lion President Larry Roundtree
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Benton Lions club member Don Barnas collects fines and f
Jackpot money at our January 12 meeting.
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The Benton Lions Club would like to welcome its newest member Ray Hogan
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The time for the trash pickup along Hwy 5 has been moved to February 22nd in hopes that the weather will be a little warmer.
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District Governor elect Bob DeVinney visited the Benton Lions Club tonight. He spoke about his transformation from a Lion member to a LION! He said that his priorities changed after a visit to Mid South Lions Sight and Hearing services in Memphis. He share a few stories about leadership and
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We would like to welcome our newest members to the Benton Lions Club. Donna Goodner and Kathy McDaniel. Pictured from Left to right Dick Welch, Donna Goodner, Kathy McDaniel and Past District Govenor Claude Jamerson.
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The Benton Lions Club would like to congratulate Jasen Kelly and Richard McChain for becoming the first new members under President Dick Welch. Pictured from left to right are Dick Welch, Jasen Kelly, Richard McChain, Ed Schick and Del Roberson
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Benton fire marshall Brruce Armstrong came to speak at the July 23rd meeting of tbe Benton Lions club. His topic was ISO (insurance services offices) public protection classification ratings for Benton through some past years. The ppc scale is from 1 -10 1 being the best.
In 1965 Benton fire
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The new officers for the coming year were installed to their new positions on June 25th. They will assume their roles on July 1st. The new officers include
Dick Welch as President, Chuck Shelnut as Vice President, Dale Thompson as Treasurer, Ed Schick as Secretary, Tracy Bailey as Tail Twister
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The new officers for the coming year were installed in their new positions on June 5th. They will assume thier roles on July 1st 2012.
The new officers include Rick Holland as President, Dick Welch as First Vice President, Dale Thompson as Treasurer Ed Schick as Secretary, Chuck Shelnut as
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We would like to welcome our newest member to the Benton Lions Club. Dick Welch.
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The Benton Lions club installed new officers for this year. Officers include Bruce Hester as President, Bob Atkins as 1st Vice Presicent, Ed Schick as Secretary, Bryan Robinson as Treasurer and Ed Albares as Lion Tamer.
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The Benton Lions club would like to welcome its newest member Bill Eldridge. Congratulations Bill!
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Members of the Benton Lions Club pose with Susan Andrews who plays Rosie Alvarez in the play. From left to right are Lion Ed Schick, Lion Bruce Hester, Lion Bryan Robinson, Susan Andrews, Lion Rick Holland and Mack Macmanus on the right. The group plays as a group of Shriners
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Members of the Benton Lions Club will be performing in the play Bye Bye Birdie that will play at the Royal Community theater Thursday Friday and Saturday the week of July 21 at7:00 PM and on Sunday July 27 at 2:00Pm. The play will resume it performances the following week
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We are glad to introduce Don Barnas as the newest member to the Benton Lions Club. Congratulations Don.
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The Benton Lions Club welcome its new officers
President Jim Morehead
1st VicePresident James Ward
Secretary Ed Schick
Treasurer Bryan Robinson
Tail Twister Ed Albares
Lion Tamer Bruce Hester
The office runs from July 2008 through the June 2009 inauguration.
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The Benton Lion's Club spent Saturday, 4/28, at Sparks in the Park in Benton. The event was held at Tyndall Park. The club sold mops, brooms and big coloring books.
Eleven club members volunteered at the event, which was a fund raiser for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates).
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The Benton Lions Club served Christmas Dinner to the residents at the Whispering Pines Public Housing Authority assisted Living facility in Benton. Turkey, Ham and all the trimming were served to about 60 residents. Meals were prepared and delivered to 13 residents who could not attend the sit down dinner.
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The Benton Lions Club donated $2,100 to the Lion's World Services for the Blind (LWSB) Building Fund at the local chapters Tuesday meeting. The donation reflects $100 per member and will be dedicated to the LWSB fund to build a new facility near the Clinton Library. The current facility is
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The Benton Lions Club and and other volunteers work at the Saline County Fair, working the gates and inside parking.
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Ted Babin from the Ouachita Council of the Boy Scouts came to the Benton Lions Club regular meeting on July 25 2006. He told about the new projects that the Boy Scouts are pursuing. He said that if the Lions new of any projects that the Boy Scouts could assist
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The Benton Lions Club purchased 20 backpacks for the Ralph Bunch Community Action Committee. Oveta Pledger is the President of that committee.
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Bruce Hester was installed as the new Benton Lions Club President for this year. He took office on July 1 2006. In remarks to the group Bruce outlined the goals of his presidency and all goals include the word fun. His number one goal is to increase membership. Bruce said
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